About Us

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About Us

Hoopers Overseas Educations

We are the world's leading overseas education consultancy, with a global footprint spanning 5 countries. We help students like you achieve their international education dreams, from choosing the right courses and universities to navigating the admission process and finding scholarships.

We have a team of experienced professionals who have helped hundreds of students succeed. We offer personalized guidance and support every step of the way. We can help you find the right scholarships and waive application fees with many universities. We represent over 500 top universities and institutes globally, offering courses in a wide range of subject areas.

Who we Are ?

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Meet Our Expert Team Member

team member

Jerry Hudson

This is a sample of dummy copy text often used to show page layout and design as sample layout text by Graphic designers, Web designers, People creating templates, and many other uses.

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This is a sample of dummy copy text often used to show page layout and design as sample layout text by Graphic designers, Web designers, People creating templates, and many other uses.

team member

Henry Hudson

This is a sample of dummy copy text often used to show page layout and design as sample layout text by Graphic designers, Web designers, People creating templates, and many other uses.

Our industry partnerships

Our affiliations with industry leaders, accreditations, and partnerships speak volumes about our credibility and standing.

Your study abroad journey is our top priority.

We're proud to have helped over 50,000 students achieve their dreams every year. Read their stories to learn more.